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Frequently asked


  • Why do you want to get published ?
    The next step after you have written your book is obviously to start the process of contacting and begin communicating with a publisher. But hold on, before you do that ask yourself this - what do I wish to achieve? Do I want to get published with a big brand and see my book on the shelves of bookstores across the country? Or do I want to publish my book as a professional-quality memento that can be shared with family and friends? Whatever your decision, be careful to review publishers before signing on the dotted line.
  • Why should I choose Aarahan Publishers as my publisher ?
    This is the first question most authors, especially new writers ask us when they contact us and rightly so. You the writer, has poured in your heart and soul on paper and have cherished it like your baby. You have lived with your characters and given each of them their own unique voice, and now it is time to reveal yourself to your readers. As a writer and a future author who has devoted so much time and effort in writing your book, it is vital that you take the time to find the right publisher for your work. There are a wide variety of markets and publishing options available, and authors need to research all those options.
  • How Aarahan Publishers works?
    For us the author is a partner who plays an active and integral role in every aspect of the book’s life, from initial design to sales and promotion and beyond. Secondly, we don’t have fixed packages to publish a book. We like to sit down with the author and work out exactly what they want to achieve with their book. The result is a book publishing project that works for us and the author – and more importantly the reader. Authors don’t pay for getting their book published, however you as the author may need to contribute to certain clearly defined costs of production or promotion if it is fitting for your particular project. Every author is different, every project is different and Aarahan Publishers customises individual, bespoke publishing contracts for each and every one.
  • How are we different from other self-publishing companies or vanity presses?
    Like other self-publishing platforms Aarahan Publishers could set up a system and charge authors hefty amounts to put an unedited book together with a cover. However, what Aarahan Publishers does is very different. We provide authors with all the benefits of traditional publishing which includes developmental editing, multiple rounds of substantive editing, copy editing, an engaged editor, book design, personal attention and much more. Aarahan Publishers aims to create a platform for new voices and give readers the opportunity to discover new talent. It is essential to us that our authors should consistently be at the centre of the publishing experience, from preliminary discussions and on throughout the life of the book. Every single project is unique and every author plays a key role in not just delivering a manuscript but bringing it to life.
  • Vanity presses and Hybrid publishers are swindling new authors of their money? Are you one of them?
    You can call us a vanity press or a hybrid publisher or even a collaborative Publisher, however whatever you choose to name us, the important thing is we as publishers take the route of an alliance, partnering with the author to reach identical goals and dreams. Aarahan Publishers way is an option wherein we charge you a flat cost. Why flat cost? Because we treat every book as a project in which we are interested in the quality of the final product rather than the amount of work we put in or what we charge you. We are as invested in the book as the author is. This cost includes everything we provide. If we feel the author needs assistance in plot development, we provide it and the author is free to accept or reject it. A minimum of four editing rounds are provided followed by a minimum of three rounds of proofreading. This is the bare minimum. The aim being that the book is of good quality with minimum plot blunders and no errors in the language which if caught by the reader leaves a very poor impression about the author and doesn’t keep the reader hooked on to read more than a few pages. We don’t stop collaborating at the editing, cover designing and book designing stage till both the parties involved especially the author is satisfied with the final draft.
  • Why is Aarahan Publishers different from other traditional, collaborative or self-publishers?"
    In one word the difference is COMMITMENT! Most debut authors are disappointed and demotivated with the way they are treated by publishers and agents, even service suppliers. At Aarahan Publishers we sincerely care about our work and each and every project we take on. We want to grow and succeed with our authors. We are therefore completely dedicated to our authors, and their content as we totally immerse ourselves in each book that we publish. We are dedicated to support our authors throughout their book’s life. The second is PERSISTENCE! We are persistent and stick to our goal of publishing quality content ensuring that our author is satisfied not only with the end product but also with the step by step procedure of publishing. We have an enthusiastic, sincere interest in the extraordinary stories of ordinary people and with decades of editing experience we are there to make sure your book is enjoyed by readers. We also believe in honest dealings and timely, transparent accounting
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