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May The Boom Be Avoided: A Transition Towards Being An Informed Aspirant And Beyond

Writer's picture: Nirja SharmaNirja Sharma

by Pratyush Bhatt

Why has an MBA become as popular among the Indian youth as those ‘Good Morning’ messages among WhatsApp-addict uncles and aunties? “

An undergraduate degree isn’t enough for good employment, I ain’t paid as much as I deserve, existential crisis is killing me, I want a career switch, I ain’t getting good start-up ideas, my job sucks…DAMN IT!”

Such and many more are the concerns common among young people nowadays, but the solution, too generic – “MBA karlo.” In your hands is an ailment to avoid eternal regrets on your decision for an MBA if it has come from this solution.

However, you don’t deserve the blame if you were about to adopt it. ‘Chaos’ is in fault for this MBA Boom India is experiencing. This chaos playing with the mindset of MBA aspirants is one-of-its-kind, very different from that observed in crowded markets or metros. The chapters inside explain what it is very lucidly, but to highlight the crux, it has completely moulded our perception of this educational program.

And its consequence is such that many young MBA holders, whether employed or unemployed, adversely suffer because they consciously choose to fall prey to it.

The fat pay-cheques one gets, the work-life balance one has, the quality of education it offers, its ability to create outstanding entrepreneurs, and many alike are the kind of responses heard when we ask someone: ”Why MBA?”.

But are all these beliefs actually true? Or are they gimmicks to lure the laymen? Ranging from professional, to educational, and even entrepreneurial misconceptions related to MBA, this book clarifies them all.

It might seem like you’ll only find a typical bunch of reasons solely meant for convincing you to dislike this degree. But unlike biased articles, blog posts, and other sources, you won’t find any conclusions drawn by hook or crook inside. All it has is everything you need to know and want to know to make the best choice in your favour.

For instance, you won’t find an answer to the widely common concern: ‘Do I really need an MBA?’, as no one apart from you can do so. But you’ll find everything you need to answer it.

Sounds like tons of pages with only loads of information and nothing else? I’m afraid you would feel so, given the anecdotes, cognitive biases, humour, and relatable incidents used for addressing your concerns. The sole purpose of doing so is to flush your stressed-out brain with reality accompanied by entertainment.

As you move on further inside, it’ll explode a plethora of misinterpreted facts and figures. To name a few, you’ll find details on ‘what exactly is implied by high-paying jobs for MBA graduates?’, ‘how does an MBA turn out to be a game-changer for those dreaming of building impactful enterprises?’, and ‘why education offered by an MBA only cannot make anyone an all-rounded professional?’ But knowing all this will just make you confront particulars behind the MBA frenzy only a handful are aware of. This doesn’t really solve your problems, does it?

‘If I bag a job with a handsome package, what can I do to actually earn a good income out of it?’ ‘If an MBA can bring a drastic difference to my entrepreneurial aspirations, how should I help myself?’ ‘And if just getting good formal education isn’t enough, what else can be of use to seamlessly fit into any chosen occupation?’

You’ll naturally come up with many such questions, but fortunately, by the time you come to the last statement of this book, you’d have found a solution to all of them.

Spoiler Alert!

(Contrary to what the title of this book might sound like, you might still decide to go for an MBA after reading it. But this time, it wouldn’t be the same ‘you’ who decided to choose that route just because many others were doing so. Be it any career choice you make, once you are done with the read, you will be much clear about your thoughts than you might have ever been. So clear that you will hold ZERO regrets for them, and that too, forever.

Sounds like a surreal commitment? Fortunately, it’s been proven to work for many, and should do the same for you too if you are ready to hold your breath until the end.)



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