There is no magical formula to writing a novel. And even though each one of us has a book inside us, writers all over the world will tell you writing one is not easy.
It requires hard work, dedication and motivation and most importantly - a plan.
Writing is a process and a learnable skill that any writer can master. And yet many writers quit too soon because they didn't plan, they didn't have a process they could trust. If writers plan before they start filling up the pages it would be easier and simpler for them.
Before you begin writing, chapter by chapter, scene by scene, word by word, it is the process of planning your novel which you need to do first. You may find writing a good story easy but to be able to write a good one is not. It doesn't just happen. There has to be a design, a plan which we outlined above.
So, if you are a writer thinking of finally writing that novel you always wanted to write all you need is to follow certain steps, start writing even if it's just one page a day and then keep writing.
Go ahead plan your novel today! Your dream to be a published author is not too far away.