Many new writers who want to be published and approach us for guidance ask us: Why do I need an editor when I am confident I have written a good book?
Hiring a great editor will be the difference between publishing (especially self-publishing) a good book (which makes an impact) or an average book (there are thousands of those).
Good Editing is not just grammar and spellings but about improving on your manuscript however perfect you may think it is.
As a writer you are so involved in your work you miss out on the most critical aspect - communicating what is in your mind to the reader.
Good editors are trained professionals who help bring out the best in your writing. But before you hire one, there are some essential questions you must ask:
1. How many books have you edited?
2. Do you have samples of your editing?
3. Would you be willing to do a sample edit ( 2 - 3 pages) of my book?
4. What kind of editing do you offer - Developmental, Substantive, Copy or others?
5. What are your fees?
6. How many rounds of editing will you provide?
7. What will be the timeline for the process?
8. What other services do you provide?
Your reader will fall in love with your writing only if you are as invested in the process of publishing your book as you expect the reader to be.

If you are thinking of saving money by not getting your book professionally edited think again. And if you do decide to hire one, choose carefully.