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Writing is a deeply personal and vulnerable act. Don't let fear silence you!

"This book is the worst I have ever read."

"A waste of time and paper."

"I couldn't get past the first chapter."

Just a few 1-star reviews on Amazon. There are worse out there(sadly, Amazon allows profanity on its platform). 

A budding author has been hesitant to publish her debut novel after seeing harsh reviews on Amazon. She feared the sting of negative feedback, and I could understand her concerns.

We've all seen it – reviews that cut deep, with words that can feel like arrows to the heart. Even the most famous authors and best-selling books aren’t immune (I asked her to check the reviews of the classics and bestsellers). 

Books, like art, are subjective, after all!

Negative reviews are a part of the journey, but they don't define your work. They offer a chance to grow and refine your craft. 

When Ayn Rand said, "The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me," she knew what she was talking about.

Constructive criticism can be incredibly valuable, and it's essential to remember that not every review will be kind or even fair.

Here's what I've learned about handling bad reviews:

1. Keep Perspective: One negative review doesn't define your work. For every harsh critic, there are many readers out there who appreciate and enjoy your story.

2. Learn from It: Look for any constructive points in the criticism. Is there something you can improve or address in your future writing?

3. Stay Positive: Focus on your readers' positive feedback and support. Remember why you started writing in the first place.

**For me, it is the 1-star reviews that have led me to improve my writing and journals. 

As a community, let's remember to be kind and thoughtful: When reviewing, why not consider the effort and passion behind the work? Constructive feedback helps, but harsh words can discourage.

The thing is: 

Every story deserves a chance to be told. 

To the aspiring author who fears publishing – your story is unique, and it deserves to be shared. The world needs diverse voices and perspectives. 

Is it ever going to get easier or less hurtful? No!

Writing is a deeply personal and vulnerable act. Don't let fear silence you. Learn, improve, hold your head high, and keep writing. Believe in your stories.

"There are people who don't like a mango just because people don't like a mango. Is mango any less good?" -- Gaur Gopal Das

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